The Big Bang : (Birth of Universe)

The Big Bang : (Birth of  Universe)

In the universe we live is a huge constating thing that cannot  be explained by us. The world we live peacefully with natural happening sites are very interesting we live in our house as usually with daily life .But we never think about surrounding , abouy earth , about civilization, about science , about facts & about mystries.

How we are born . before we born in the earth what is happening with earth . Let it , First How the earth made ?  before the earth is placed there where it placed , there is what thing situated . when we discussing about that matter a huge amount of question bundles are appearing to our mind. 
we can never understand the before galaxy till today  there is no instrument that can explain astronomers about the birth of the universe or peak them back to research it .

As we understand about the BIGBANG theory which comes from the mathematical formula & models.As we don`t know about the starting or birthing of universe we should all consider with the BIGBANG theory. The big bang  theory is a popular theory among the astrophy sites .


After the universe made in the surrounding tempreture was 10 billion degrees  fahrenheit or 5.5 billion celcious . According to NASA . The cosmos made  which contained a vast array of fundamental particles .Such as neutrons protons & electrons. With some particles & the molecules combined with the decades got earth cooler.

There has been impossible with the light to make it a combined structure  because the light of photon clouds scateres from the water  droplets . The free electrons are moving  around which can  combined with the nuclei to creat a neutral atom .In this way  a suitable form can be made that leads to enthuasize the light to shine through 380,000 years after the BigBang .


COSMIC MICROWAVE IS THE "AFTER GLOW " OF THE BIGBANG . Which some times to be predicted with the scientists. But it was found only by an accidebt 20years latter of BIGBANG. 


In the year of 1990 NASA takeover a mission to find the background cosmic rays .In the most famous space faring mission.In 2013, the first released plank`s observation we can understand & see the map of CMB which  was older than 13.82 billion years old . 
Yhat map is a new rise of " mystries" creature which can confuge a huge among of answers .We found on the earth that the warmer place (southern hemisphere ) appears slightly redder than the northen hemisphere . As we considering the big bang theory CMB is almost same , now matter  how we look. where it gives the clues about the cmposition of universe with cosmos & matter that cannot be sensed with instrumants.Lead with the energy & matter . The other hypothesis that are only the 5% opf the matter of the universe gives gives rise tomade planets , stars& galaxies.

From the begining of universe we all need proof of its inflation . As we all need proof of its inflation . As we all need proof of its  inflation . As we all know of the einstein s speed limit  the light of maximum travel can be faster than it fast.Speed of light bloomed after the cosmos. In the year of 2014 scientists found CMB with gravitional universe bengining of the polarization.The machinary view of CMB with antrctic telescope named as polarization of "BACKGROUND IMAGE OF COSMIC " or BICEP2.

Universe is expanding with greater & faster as it inflates . as a result we cannot varify or transverse any informational view of the earth or  galaxy with its extra time . 

हमारी  दुनिया कितनी खूबसूरत हे हेना , पर इस दुनिया में सुब अपनी  काम में बिजी हे  , पर अपने कभी सोचहे, की ये ब्रम्हांड जिसमे  इतने सालो से रेहरेहे हो इसकी सुरुवात कैसे हुयी, जित्नीभीजितनि भी  ये केससेब हुई ये ब्रम्हांड  सफलरहाहे ये ब्रम्हांड हर एक सेकंड साइज में बड़ा हो रहा हे।  तो ये जान ने केलिए की ब्रम्हांड कैसे सुर्रू हुई , हम्मे सिर्फ समय को रोकना होगा। 

और पीछे चलना होगा , चलिए पीछे चलते हे न, कुछ ज्यादा ही पीछे....  
 आजसे करीब 13.8 बिलियन साल पहले हमारा ब्रम्हांड सब एकम परमाणु में बिल्लिन था सब कुछ  एक गोले के अंदर थे। मगर आप नहीं जानते हमारी दुनिया जिसमें आप रह रहेहे एकेक छोटे परमाणु तक हे. १ सेकंड की करदो चीन के अंदर ये  ब्रम्हांड फैलगया इसमें हम केहतेथे बिगबैंग. (BIGBANG) .
पुरे एनर्जी और वर्जा जब फैलगायी  और समय की गठन हुई स्पेस का भी करदो साल तक फैलगायी वर्जा। 
ेलेक्टोस, प्रोटोन्स, न्यूट्रोंस ये सब चोजो का फार्मेशन हुआ असल में किससे बनते थे मतलब परमाणु ये चईजे कैसे बानी हे जिससे आप बने हो। 

ये ब्रम्हांड अस्तित्व में  आया ये गोले कि बिग स्पॉट की चलते और सब चीज अस्तित्वा में आयी. सबकुछ ठण्डा हुआ सबकुछ बनना सुररुहुआ  सब एटम अपने आप जोड़ने लगे & एक फाॅर्स क्रीट हुआ और ये और कोई फाॅर्स नेहुई था ये था  the force of gravity. सुररुवत म,ें हाइड्रोजन गैस बबाहत थे जगह स्वास हाइड्रोजन को कंप्रेस करने लगा & टेम्प्रेचर  भी बढ़ा ने लगा तारो मका समूह ब्रम्हांड मरण बेहद ने लगा। आकाश गंगा का जन्म हुआ। (yhe milkyway galaxy) .गृह बनने लगी solar system बनने लगा। jupiter ,satern ,urenus ,neptune , mercury, venus mars और आखिर में हमारी प्यारी धरती(earth) . 
और एही धरती  जिसके इतने बड़ा सतह पारा से बेथ के ये आर्टिकल पढ़ रहे हो , आपकी जन्मा के पहले इतना कुछ घटगयी BIGBANG  से जन्मा वो मटर और वोस मटर से जन्मा  ये  तारा और इस तारो से जन्मा ये गृह और इससे चलता हमारी जन्म।  

                     THIS IS BIGBANG THEORY

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