ILLUMINATI , TRUTH V/S CONSPIRACY (Unsolved secret society)


What is this thing ? You how probably seen this eye in a bunch of conspiracy theories and masonic references. In a bunch of conspiracy theories and masonic references ,it is the same eye that you see on the back of the dollar bill. And its even part of great seal of the united states.But the symbols meaning and creations actually nothing to do with any of that.This is known as the eye of the providence and it first proposed during the renaissans .It shows an ete often surrounded by rays of light, enclosed by a triangle artist used this to represent the all seeing eye of GOD . 
The three points of the triangle represents  the christian mythology  of the father ,son and Holy spirit. The rays of light are stand in for holiness and divinity. This  painting is one of the first known appearance of the eye of providency way back in 1525 .
                    Ok but throught history is clear Evil Villians do exist . Is a really such a streach to believe that others like them might be using symbols to signal their secret intensions .So instead of signifying a all of us and hints to greater and more sinigster plans ahead ,MAY be a simpler explantis is true .JUST A SYMBOL .
icon of illuminati
ILLUMINATI,The term refers behind a word that Enlightenmen, It represents a era of society {that secret} which founde on 1 may 1776 in Bavaria.Which is apart of germany till on this day. It is not also name , it is the fame  that creats by several groups called secreat groups secret groups . The sign of illuminati when is made creat a enenthuasian enlightment to the people that they can a correspondency to think .This work makes a plural form that is illuminatus or revealled on enlightened.

All of our society have a historical view before the day withday. Suchh that history also created by some people or some groups of peoples by their good or bad work .Which  can makes them famous and creating a place in the history which  can read by a book to get knowledge about it.

The year was 1776 ,In Bavaria , new ideals of rationalism religeous freedom and universal human rights competed with the catholic churchs heavy influence over public  affairs . Across the atlantic . anew nation staced its claim for bindependence on the basis of these ideas.But back  in the Bavaria , law proffesor Adam Weishaupts attempts to teach secular philoshopy continued to be frustrated . Weishaupt  decided to spread his ideas through a secret society { illuminati} that  would shine alight o the short comics of the churchs ideology . He called his secret society the illuminaty. weishapupt moddeled aspectrs of his secret society off a group called the freemasons .Origionally an elite stone  workers  guild in the late middle Ages the freemasons .Origionally an elite stone workers guildn in the late niddle ages ,thae freemasons had gone from passing down the craft of mesonry to more generally promoting ideals  of knowledge and resons.Over time , they had grown into a semi-secret , exclusive order than included many wealthy and influentian uindividuals, with elaborate , secret intiationrituals.

since knowledge of this group would have had serious consequences for the professor , he give himself and other members nicknames & surrounded the group in secret rituals and symbols. The order of the illuminati specifically exdadedjews , pagans, women , and members of other rekligions or cults . After some time the illuminati,looking toexpand their membership base joined forces with the long lasting freemasons group .The freemasons were intricate fraternal organization of laborers .seemingly mysterious for their religeous like use of symbols and ceremonies .After securing their own freemasons Lodge, the higher order illuminati members attempted to recruit from the higher order freemasons. However , as a newer sect with different allegiansces , they commanded less respect than existing groups ., still despite significant infighting over, the regions of various rituals , political and social focus , and other petty differences ,the illumianti managed  to recruit in us 650 and 2,500 members in bavaria , at their height around 1784. around  this time , an ab sure christian cult , known as rozeecroo shanism {Rosicrucianism}, in fitrated the illuminati. They wewre very regions and opposed the idea of an enlightmened philosophical scientific, rational movement. After infighting and further attacks by outside groups, aswellas too hight a memberhip.


Keep the order secret , knowledge of the group getout. many members were exposed , and a number actually held fairy high positions of power . after being accused of publishing and religious litreture , the Bavarian government banned all secret s societies, and seized and publiseed  alarage number of important documents from the illuminatis founders. This effectively ended the existence of the group , and their regional founder fled germany.In the few years after the end of the Bavarian illuminati, anumber of books were written puporting that not only did the illuminati still exist in secret, but that they were conspirationaly responsible for many internatioanl events , includinng  the french revolution . these books gained significant popularity and the ideas there in have suirvived into moderntimes , In the recent yaers , the idea of a resurgent ,of surviving illuminati order that is in control of world events trough underlaying icconography and ritualism has been a popular conspiracy theory.However , there is literally no evidence of the existence of this group, nor any connection between curreent groups and the Bavarian illuminati.

                      Still....... is not that exactly what they had want you to think ?

Another secretive society that has a considerable amount of power is the so called "church" of scietology are they a religion , or a cult?


As to who is in the new world order assuming the illuminati and the new world order are one in the same lets hope down the rabbit hole and take a look of some of the theories  as to who is in the new world order .The first theory was from a named mark koerke . AKA " mark from michigan". A right wingh millitia activist and propagandist who belives that the new world is made above tha U.S. governmant , tahe uUN and various and other organisation pushing an international agenda.
He belives this organisation will take away americans rights, from an all powerfull government and put non Illuminati membersb in camps run by F.E.M.A.
               The second theory is from Davidlacke whobelieves that world leaders including queen Elizabeth, president Brack obama and the clintons are actually shape shifting wizards.The lizard race feeds off the human race and occasionally deamded huam sacrifices.In fact the same 2013 national poll image an earlier revael that four prcent of voters polled behind that " lizard people control our societies ". The third theory is that the new world order is connected top the anti christ because the illuminati are santanists.Pat robertson , a conservative christian that claims the group is responsible for the french revollution , the writting of the communist manifesto and the creation of the federal reserve, all in the service of making ," anewwer order for the human race under the domination of lucifer and his followers". The fourth theory is from Donald marshall. Who belives thatr the illuminati are killing cellebrities and replacing them with clones , used to brain wash society.
many more , but clone theories also bilive they have video evidence. Perhaps  to attend to illuminaty affairs .look , i am not in the illuminati . It is preety hard to get into. And on that not , i had like to point website called Illuminati official .org and on that site , theres a page called jaion the illuminati. Avery fascinating proporstion indeed.

                                      By the way if the illuminatis a real thing the fact that they have a PR director.....thats super funny to us,... tahta theres . someone siting in a cubicle somewhere going to the thats not the right more....too many triangles on the last dress.
 I guess last question would be , What pecentage would you put om that the Illuminati is actually real thing.
                                I could see a world where sometimes thing go beyound science or fact , leep out faith is what you need to make to get to the truth.

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